SRE, DevOps, +/-
I do not handle scale problems like SRE was designed to address, because SMB IT behaves differently. The server is still at the office with fans, family is involved, one contractor after another is summarily replaced, and the two departments share budgets but have different priorities.
Launching websites has always been a pain or pleasure with approximately the same # of steps.
- Art,
- copy,
- framework,
- pages,
- and navigation.
And somehow it gets hosted, plus we remember to renew domain name. For every Tesler, Striper, and Googler, there will be a dozen or perhaps ten dozen information technology professionals working with the information given to build and maintain the best they can. Forget about whether deployments are allowed on Friday or the differences between observing and measuring, sometimes the person with the password left and is no longer responding to emails. And now the whole website is returning of 501 and all the vendor quotes are too high.
These are problems that will not be solved by Docker.
Photo by Andrey Sharpilo / Unsplash