NY Senate Open Source Development

It is reassuring to see New York investing and supporting transparency in development and publishing available resources to Github. You can find the repo for NYSenate.gov on Github.

Designed to increase public participation in the legislative process, this web application serves as the central digital presence of the New York State Senate. - nysenate/NYSenate.gov
The New York State Senate
Connect with elected members of the New York State Legislature. Review changes to the laws of New York, and share your reaction with your representative.

Embracing the benefits of a headless CMS, in this case Drupal, New York deploys to Pantheon.io, a WebOps first platform experiencing tremendous growth by solving practical problems marketers face when launching and maintaining websites.

Pantheon: WordPress & Drupal Hosting and Website Platform
Website hosting and management for Drupal and WordPress. Make sites faster, handle traffic spikes, manage multiple websites, get developer tools. Free for agencies.

The NYSenate site was designed by agency Code & Theory and data migrated by Government services organization Granicus.